Sunday, February 7, 2010

Research Paper Topic

I would like to write on the impact of World War II and Nazism on the Harry Potter Series. There are numerous similarities between the rise of Hitler and the persecution of Jews and the rise of Lord Voldemort and the persecution of Muggle Borns.

A few similarities I plan or discussing and researching:
- Nazi Swastika and Dark Mark
- Muggle Borns and Jews
- Voldemort and Hitler
- Death Eaters and Nazis
- Aryan Race and Pureblood Wizards
- "Dirty Blood"
- Registration of "Undesirables"
- Tactic of fear for family safety to gather support (Nazi's and Death Eaters)

I'd like to research some of these topics and read through the books to trace the development of the symbolism throughout the novels. I'd also like to research JK Rowling's background with these subjects. I hope to include a focused section on how these similarities can/do impact children's perception or understanding of Nazism and WWII.


  1. I think this sounds really interesting. I have never considered this type of comparison. I think it's great that you're challenging yourself to not only study Harry Potter but also WWII in the process. I look forward to hearing your final presentation!

  2. I love it! It sounds like you have this mapped out very well, and you have what you need to write the paper. I think you could search YA literature and Nazi in ERIC and find some articles that might be useful.

    I look forward to reading the paper!


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